Hello, you! I'm Dani, coming to you from east London :)
I've lived in the city my whole life, and love everything about London life - the community I've found here, the opportunity for totally changing direction no matter where you find yourself, and still ending up somewhere totally wonderful and unexpected.
Which is sort of the story of my life, both professionally and personally. There was always an idea I'd end up in the arts, I've been making shows my whole life - but understanding myself to be queer and trans was the most fantastic curve ball in my adult life, and I feel so deeply euphoric to be part of my beautiful queer community. More recently I've become rooted in abolitionist principles, which has only deepened my connection to myself, and my intuitive ideas about how to navigate The Way Things Are.
Marrying up everything in my life - identity, career, passions - has been something of an adventure, but I think I've arrived at somewhere pretty exciting.
Well, let's find out, shall we?
Dani x

07904 328 060
A note on photos - did you take one of the photos on this site, or know who did? Regrettably I'm not sure of the origin of some of these photos, which have been accumulated on various laptops over the years. But please let me know any missing credits via the contact box above and I will add them immediately!